Sunday, June 26, 2011

Going to YouTube Nextup Creator Camp

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow the YouTube Creator Camp begins. It’s 5 days here in New York City and I’m going to stay in the same hotel where the other 24 YouTube Nextup creators will be staying.

The schedule is jam packed every day, and I’m so excited to meet everybody. Our YouTube channels are all so different and varied. They’re from all over America, arriving in New York tonight. Before meeting, we’ve already exchanged ideas for new videos we’re going to make. I’m looking forward to learning something new from the YouTube experts and my peers.

I’m a little tired already, as all morning I’ve been preparing 2 huge pots of sweet red beans. I’m going to make patbingsu for more than 100 people at the camp. This is for a video that I’m going to make next week, you’ll see it soon.

making sweet red beans

making sweet red beans

On Wednesday night there will be a YouTube NextUp Creator Camp public meetup, including me. The time and place is not set yet, but it will be Wednesday night around 7pm. If you want to meet me, some of my YouTube peers, and other YouTube viewers, empty your schedule. It will be so cool! I think it’ll be sponsored by Google.

Please check my website for updates on the meetup, or follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

Time to pack!

Posted Sunday, May 22nd, 2011 at 5:21 pm
Tagged: New York City, patbingsu, YouTube, YouTube Creator Camp, YouTube Nextup

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